Peta Kabupaten Berau (Map of Berau Regency) |
Selamat Datang di Kab.Berau
(Welcome at Berau''s Regency)
Kabupaten Berau Merupakan salah satu dari 14 Kabupaten / kota yang ada di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Bulungan di sebelah Utara, Kabupaten Kutai Timur di sebelah Selatan, Kabupaten Kutai di sebelah Barat, dan Selat Makasar di sebelah Timur. Luas wilayah di Kabupaten Berau seluas 34.127 km2 dengan jumlah pendudukan 164.501 jiwa yang terbesar di 13 kecamatan, 107 Kampung dan Kelurahan.
Berau regency is one of 14 Distrit in Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, Bulungan bordering on the North, East Kutai Regency in the south, Kutai regency in the west and the Strait of macassar in the East. Berau District covering an area of 34,127 Km2 with total population of 164,501 people spread across 13 Districts, 107 Village.
Keanekaragaman Objek dan Daya Tarik Wisata, baik Wisata Bahari maupun Wisata Sejarah/Budaya yang ada di Kabupaten Berau. Anda dapat menikmati beragam alternatif pilihan berwisata sekaligus dengan melihat keragaman budaya di hulu sungai Kelay dan Segah di pedalaman Berau menawarkan kehidupan budaya dan ekosistem hutan tropis dataran rendah khas Kalimantan, di Tanjung Redeb, Kesultanan Sambaliung,Kesultanan Gunung Tabur dan Teluk Bayur anda akan di mesrakan dengan suasana sejarah dan budaya suku Berau (Banua).
The kindly of the tourism object and interest, Marine tourism as well as historic tourism or culture get in Berau Regency. You can enjoy a variety of lternative travel options at once by looking at cultural diversity in the upstream river and satiated in the inland Kelay and Segah Berau offering cultural life and typical lowland tropical forests ecosystem of Borneo, In Tanjung Redeb, Kesultanan Sambaliung,Kesultanan Gunung Tabur, Teluk Bayur and you will feel the atmosphere of history and ethnic culture Berau (Banua).
Menuju Pesisir dan Lau Kabupaten Berau anda akan merasakan keunikan dan keindahan ekosisten dan terumbu karang di Kepulauan Derawan seperti Pulau Derawan, Pulau Maratua, Sangalaki, dan Kakaban, Menikmati sensasi kehidupan bawah laut dan raskan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan dengan menyelam di lokasi selam kelas dunia.
Toward Coastal and Marine Berau you will feel the uniqueness and beauty of coral reef ecosystems in the Derawan Island like Derawan, Sangalaki, Kakaban, and Maratua Island, enjoing the sensation of life under the sea and feel the unforgettable experience with diving in world-class dive sites.
The kindly of the tourism object and interest, Marine tourism as well as historic tourism or culture get in Berau Regency. You can enjoy a variety of lternative travel options at once by looking at cultural diversity in the upstream river and satiated in the inland Kelay and Segah Berau offering cultural life and typical lowland tropical forests ecosystem of Borneo, In Tanjung Redeb, Kesultanan Sambaliung,Kesultanan Gunung Tabur, Teluk Bayur and you will feel the atmosphere of history and ethnic culture Berau (Banua).
Culture Attraction of Berau Regency |
Atraksi Budaya Kabupaten Berau |
Toward Coastal and Marine Berau you will feel the uniqueness and beauty of coral reef ecosystems in the Derawan Island like Derawan, Sangalaki, Kakaban, and Maratua Island, enjoing the sensation of life under the sea and feel the unforgettable experience with diving in world-class dive sites.
Beautiful Sea Panorama |
Selamat Datang di Kabupaten Berau, rasakan pengalaman berwisata dari pegunungan ke terumbu karang.
(Welcome in Berau, feel the experience of travel from the mountains to the coral reefs).
( Derawan Island )
In this island has many tourst facilities are quite comprehensive starting accomodation services such as resorts,inns until homestay, Culinary and cendramata to water sports,like diving,senorkeling,bananaboat jetski,sailing and fishing can be done and available this island.
Attraction :
1. Known for its white sand beaches with crystal clear sea
2. Place of turtle nesting and visitors free swimming with turtles is quite tame
3. Panorama of sunrise and sunset is quite beautiful and affection for the miss
Access to the Island Derawan Island :
1. Car ride (regular taxi/charter) from cape Redeb-Tanjung Batu travel time approximately 2.5 hours followed by a speed boat for 20 minutes to arrive on the Derawan Island.
2. Through the port of Tanjung Redeb Derawan directly to the island using a speed boat (charter) for 2.5 Hours.
Di pulau ini memiliki berbagai fasilitas wisata yang cukup lengkap mulai jasa akomodasi,resort,penginapan hingga homestay,kuliner dan cendramata hingga olahraga air seperti diving, snorkeling,banana boat,jetski,layar dan memancing bisa dilakukan dan tersedia di pulau ini.
Daya Tarik :
1. Terkenal dengan pantai pasir putih dengan laut yang jernih
2. Tempat penyu bertelur dan pengunjung berenang dengan penyu yang cukup jinak
3. panorama sunrise dan sunset yang indah.
Akses ke Pulau Derawan :
1. Naik mobil (taxi regular/charter) dari Tanjung Redeb-Tanjung Batu waktu perjalanan sekitar 2,5 jam dilanjutkan dengan speedboat selama 20 menit untuk sampai dipulau Derwan.
2. Melalui pelabuhan di tanjung redeb langsung kepulau derawan dengan menggunakan speed boat selama 2,5 jam.
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